Team Member of the Month
This very merry May is the turn of Debs to be our team member of the month!
I have been working in housing full time since 1997. Previously I worked as a volunteer for a substance misuse organisation and a housing support service in Cardiff. In 2017 a job came up at the Gwent Gypsy and Traveller Service. I applied, and got it!
The service covered Gwent and Newport, and in 2021 it was taken over by Gypsies & Travellers Wales, who continue to run it.
My job is offering floating support to community members, covering council sites, private sites and bricks and mortar accommodation. My job is very varied and changes from day to day, predominantly working on benefits and housing to ensure my clients successfully maintain their tenancies.
I also support clients to apply for housing and re-settlement once housed and ensure they are claiming correct benefits, and since Covid and the cost-of-living crisis applying for any grants that they are entitled too.
My proudest moments were winning two awards in 2017 with an old colleague Bex, these were from the Chartered Institute of Housing for promoting equality and diversity. Then we won an award from Cymorth Cymru, for working with the Gypsy and Traveller communities in Gwent. That’s me on the left in the photo at the awards ceremony!
I really enjoy my job and some of the positive relationships I have built with community members.
I feel that this will be another challenging year for everybody financially and I need to keep researching help that is being offered to community members and ensure I meet the needs of the community.